
graphic designer & digital artist

About me

Even when I was still unaware of its importance, of its ability to give me the tools to express myself, in a strange way, The Art was already part of my life and allowed me to communicate with who surrounds me.

My journey began with a blank sheet of paper on the table and a simple HB pencil in my hands. I had been drawing since I was a child and at the age of 16 I began to draw seriously. As a self-taught I refined the technique and, after 4 years, I could already define myself as a pencil portraitist. I started selling my works on commission: memories of loved ones, small and old ruined photos, became real black and white portraits in A3 format, ready to hang on the home’s walls.

Thanks to this passion for drawing I discover photography. In fact, often happened that whoever commissioned me the portrait also wanted me to take the picture to draw. So, I bought my first reflex camera and I also started to use it in my free time for nature shots.

From here I got closer and closer to the world of digital art (photo, video and post-production) and in 2019 I decided to enroll in the Design school at the Academy of Fine Arts in Verona, where I finished my studies in October 2022 graduating with 110 cum laude.

During these years I have carried out various projects: I have created graphic and layout projects and illustrations for the teaching material proposed at schools by the Verona Minor Hierusalem Foundation; I have created communication material for the Stone Light Street project (an important project of the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona in which various artists, together with the students, exhibit their works/projects) and developed logos, complete graphic identities for companies, catalogues, posters and graphics for music albums.

Today I’m a graphic designer and, for two years now, a Digital Artist. The latter is the activity that most engages me and represents me: I create digital works in 2D and 3D that can be purchased on the most famous NFT platforms, including Foundation, Opensea, World of V and… discover the others soon on my TWITTER

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© designed by gio.masia_art 2022